Welcome, Dear Friend,
to This Book, Offered as a
Measure of Comfort and Sanctuary
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These ponderings are taken directly from The Risen: A Companion to Grief, with some brief commentary. Each pondering is a highly distilled quintessence from a chapter of the original book, and can lead to a deeper, deepening of one's relationship to Authentic Self and to the Authentic Self of Risen Loved Ones, including our beloved an
These ponderings are taken directly from The Risen: A Companion to Grief, with some brief commentary. Each pondering is a highly distilled quintessence from a chapter of the original book, and can lead to a deeper, deepening of one's relationship to Authentic Self and to the Authentic Self of Risen Loved Ones, including our beloved animal companions.
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E-Book: (click to obtain)
A small treatise exploring an experience beyond lucid dreaming.
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Read this seminal work about The Afterlife on Kindle ... tablets ... phones.
This book is designed to stimulate and help discover and explore your most personal feelings; it will be different for each reader.
Explore a possibly newly evolving Species of Dream ...
lucid and tangible.
The Second Edition is now available in pdf format for easy downloading.
Condemnant quo non intellegunt.
“Not only were the "dialogues of love, grief, and survival" consistent with the most credible testimony relative to life after death that I have encountered elsewhere, but helped me make sense out of a number of things I had previously struggled to grasp. As with me 20 years ago, the boggle threshold of most people is probably too low to fully understand and appreciate what August, Tim, and the advanced Risen Ones have to say about the greater reality, but to the serious student of metaphysics this book has much to offer.”
Michael Tymn
Esteemed paranormal journalist, author of The Articulate Dead
"If you are interested in consciousness, after death communication, out of body experiences and what happens after transition this book is a must read. Tim and August have done an amazing job to bring this information through. It will stun, amaze and extend your conception of what is possible."
Victor and Wendy Zammit
Co-authors of A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife and The Friday Afterlife Report
“The Risen—Dialogues of Love, Grief & Survival is a story of love that death couldn't defeat, and gives believers the kind of afterlife details they thirst for and so rarely encounter. Along the way, it offers those who don't believe in afterlife communication plenty of reason to hope they are wrong.”
Christine Wicker
Author of New York Times bestseller Lily Dale: The True Story of the Town that Talks to the Dead
“An important book written from the author’s dual perspective as a psychotherapist and also one who can access the non-physical realm. We learn that grief is not something to be battled or ignored, but to be embraced and transformed. The Risen is much more that a companion to grief—it is a road map to understanding, meaning, and purpose for us all.”
Bob Ginsberg
Co-founder of Forever Family Foundation
“I could stay immersed in this book indefinitely. Rich with nearly endless tasty bits, any one of which may be the nugget needed to get through today and grow toward tomorrow. It doesn’t claim to have all the answers; it provides methods to find them within yourself.”
Julie Beischel, PhD
Director of Research, Windbridge Research Center; author of Investigating Mediums: A Windbridge Institute Collection
“A beautiful, totally emotionally-interactive book that isn't just for those grieving. There's so much wisdom presented in such a loving way that reading it is like being enveloped in a big hug. This book knocked us into altered states where we’ve had insights that can’t be articulated into words … shifting emotional pain into more positive states. Like the first book, it's a lifetime read.”
Chloë & Alex Deas
Spiritual researchers at Spirit Horizons: “All Things Spiritual in Scotland”
"Reading The Risen: A Companion to Grief is a contemplative journey into the transition of life after death ... gracefully reframes the problem of dying and annihilation. Be open to letting go. Your loved ones are still here. You shall meet them again."
James Carman
Cinematographer, "The Hidden Hand"
“I am still floating from The Risen. This brilliant work takes the reader slowly and compassionately along in even, well-placed steps, to an understanding of grief and spirituality like nothing I have ever read before. This works reverberates something in me every time I read it. It is a gift to humanity; its light will be a beacon to many.”
N. Riley Heagerty
Spiritualism Historian, The Direct Voice
"The wisdom and practical suggestions contained in this book will ensure it becomes a treasured companion, a steadying voice in the darkness of loss, gently raising the spirits and guiding the reader first to profound peace, then to hope and finally to unexpected joy.”
Victor and Wendy Zammit, co-authors of The Friday Afterlife Report
Jedes Kapitel ruft hier kraftvollere Geister auf und empor, die die Essenzen des eigenen Innenlebens zum Wogen bringen, jede Schwere in Leichtigkeit, Trostlosigkeit in Glueckseligkeit verwandeln. Goforths Befaehigungen Sprache einzusetzen beschreibt die Poesie in seiner aussergewoehnlichen Autorenschaft. Sein weites Wissen und sein praktischer Zugang zu den Geheimlehren aller Zeiten erlauben es dem Leser von einer Vielzahl an vorgestellten wertvollen Quellen zu profitieren – dieses Buch kann man nur jedem empfehlen!
K. Muegge
Dokumentarfilmer & Journalist, Germany
"Each chapter is a prayer, increasingly powerful, uplifting every inner essence, turning every weight into lightheartedness, every despair into bliss. August Goforth’s ability to use words is the poetry of this extraordinary authorship. His vast knowledge of ancient teachings and techniques enables the reader to benefit from an astounding amount of valuable sources—I would like everybody to read it!”
K. Muegge
Film Maker & Journalist
"August Goforth has not written a book; his words are an initiation into the human spirit … a treatise on the power of the life’s deepest experience, a primer for that which is beyond human incarnation. To understand its meaning is to be intimately involved with the mission of the soul and its adventures in life. This is a must read for anyone anywhere seeking answers to life most demanding questions about who we are and why we are here. It gives us the framework for understanding the greater reality and our capacities to embrace the most soulful of feelings, grief … and permission to feel our humanness and the heart that lies at the root of all our relationships.
The whole flavor of the composition reminds me of those eternal lines in Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet :
'Your joy is your sorrow unmasked … When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.' ”
Alan Steinfeld, Founder of
New Realities