Here you will find research and reports of August's experiences of sittings with various circles.
There are also some helpful mindfulness recordings to try.
Afterlife Evidence. This site is the work of researchers Victor and Wendy Zammit from Sydney, Australia who have been researching the objective, scientific evidence for the afterlife for more than 26 years. Authors of the famous book, "A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife."
Subscribe to their weekly "Friday Afterlife Report."
Tell them August & Tim sent you!
A Healing Pathway. To further the understanding of Afterlife Science through research and education while providing support and healing for people in grief. Includes a list of mediums certified under controlled conditions. Be sure to mention August Goforth.
The Mission of The Windbridge Research Center is to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next by performing rigorous scientific research and sharing the results and other customized content for free with practitioners, clinicians, scientists, and the general public. WRC has a list of mediums certified under their strict guidlines and conditions.
Shannon Taggart is a photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. Her photographs have been exhibited and featured internationally.
Her book, SÉANCE: Spiritualist Ritual and the Search for Ectoplasm (Foreword by Dan Aykroyd) is finally nearing the culmination of a 16-year long photograpy project on modern Spiritualism. Find out how to order this book, the first of its kind in over 100 years. August Goforth will be one of many, many mediums from around the world photographically featured.
Scott Podmore, a best-selling author, and seasoned travel, food and music writer interviewed more than thirty mediums all over the planet from differing socioeconomic backgrounds and cultures. Scott selects twelve of the “conversations” that took place for the book. Included were August Goforth and Timothy Gray, co-authors of The Risen Books. All have a similar line of topics in his aim to find threads of consistency—or inconsistencies. Coming from a standpoint of giving these mediums the benefit of the doubt, he provides a forum to discuss their alleged abilities that cover areas including spirituality, psychic predictions, physical mediumship, electronic voice phenomena, trance, and more.
Lily Dale was incorporated in 1879 as Cassadaga Lake Free Association, a camp and meeting place for Spiritualists and Freethinkers. The name was changed to The City of Light in 1903 and finally to Lily Dale Assembly in 1906.
"To further the understanding of the science, philosophy and religion of Spiritualism.
To promote activities and discussions concerning modern benevolent, charitable, literary, scientific and civic thoughts.
To promote a great understanding of all mankind.
It is our hope that you leave us with peace in your heart and a deepert awareness of your divinity."
His book, The Case Against Reincarnation, is one of the very few and courageous thinking-person's books that utilizes common sense as well as spiritual sensitivity and a wonderful sense of humor in his exploration of an oft-controversial subject.
The Leslie Flint Educational Trust was created to preserve, record, authenticate and promote the work of the Independent Direct Voice Medium, Leslie Flint. The Trust has preserved and offers the most complete archive of recordings of his independent voice sittings.
His book, "Voices in The Dark - My Life as a Medium" is highly recommended.
Since 2004, the Felix Experimental Group (FEG) has experimentally sat in circle for Séance-Room Phenomena, Physical Mediumship and Spirit Contact. FEG is active and involved in highly sophisticated experimentation and group healing activities.
His mediumship has been extensively photographed by Shannon Taggart. August Goforth has written some extensive reports of his personal sittings and studies with Kai.
Stewart Alexander is one of the most important physical mediums of our time. You can obtain his book, "An Extraordinary Journey–The Memoirs of a Physical Medium" here.
The Scole Experiment chronicles the extraordinary results of a five year investigation into life after death. At the beginning of 1993, four psychic researchers embarked on a series of experiments in the Norfolk village of Scole. The subsequent events were so astounding that senior members of the prestigious Society for Psychical Research asked to observe, test, and record what took place. Visit the website to obtain more information, including their important books.
White Crow Books are generally non-fiction with a sprinkling of fiction of a spiritual nature. Well-known for publishing books about paranormal, life after death and Spiritualism subjects.
Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal. See Vol. 2 No. 1: "The Importance of Mediumship Research" - August's article, The Disparity of a "Standards of Care" for Spirit Mediumship as Permissible Behavioral Health Care Profession.
In 1998 a group of veterinarians recognized the need for pets with medical emergencies to get the care they need regardless of their owners' ability to pay for that care. Founded as a publicly supported philanthropic organization to serve the pets of New York City residents living in Manhattan, Brooklyn the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island.
Most of any profit from The Risen Books goes to this fine organization. And a little for cheese and chocolate.