Circle of Light Research © is an Imprint of Tempestina Teapot Books ©
N. Riley Heagerty has been researching Historic Spiritualism and Mediumship for over 3 decades and has concentrated on the physical phenomena attending the great mediums who manifested their gifts within what he refers to as the “Century of Wonders ” between 1848 and 1948.
According to Mr. Heagerty, “That century produced mind-staggering manifestations witnessed on numerous occasions by individuals whose integrity would be an insult to question. We have been given countless instances of positive proof of not only life after death but direct communication by spirits. It is also a sad fact that the world, in general, is woefully unaware of these titanic events which, if understood, would change the course of human thinking.”
Riley has lectured in England and America and has first-hand experience with most of the recognized internationally known physical mediums, including private sittings with several of whom he and his wife Caroline, a well-known clairvoyant, have invited to their home for private sittings and observation.
NEW March 2024
In his tenth work, researcher N. Riley Heagerty delves into the life of Etta Wriedt, one of the great American Direct Voice mediums of the "Heyday of Spiritualism" during the late nineteenth to early twentieth century.
In Wriedt's presence, voices of deceased communicators manifested in the room that didn't emanate from her or the sitters. They communicated in numerous languages (sometimes at the same time), including Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindustani, and Italian, whereas Wriedt only spoke English, or what one investigator called "Yankee."
Foreword by Dr. K. Saari
White Crow Books (click to obtain)
NEW October 2022
Prepare yourself again for the mind-staggering eyewitness accounts of some of the greatest mediums who manifested spirit phenomena within the astounding records of Historic Spiritualism. Compiled by historian N. Riley Heagerty, this is the third volume in the series.
Rock solid, empirical evidence of séance room events which have been swept under the carpet of denial for 150 years are now made available for those discerning individuals, interested in life after death and spirit return, can read for themselves of the glorious manifestations, the beauty and the sheer heart stomping drama produced within the Heyday of Spiritualism.
Foreword by Gary Langley
Print-on-demand: (click to obtain)
The Transcendent Wonder of The Ages
This is Riley Heagerty’s ninth work about the Afterlife and it lives up to the high standards he has already set in his previous works. Meticulously researched from difficult-to-access sources, it has been lovingly assembled as a service to humankind. The cases in this book contain eye-witness accounts by dozens of intelligent and discerning observers that people who had died proved to them that they lived on in another dimension. They did this by materializing: becoming solid, walking around a room talking with their loved ones, touching and being touched. They shared memories, made jokes and talked about their continuing life in the spirit world. If you sit in a physical mediumship circle, or are curious about materialization, or just looking for the very best evidence confirming that you personally will survive death, you will find the information in this book life changing.
Print-on-demand: (click to obtain)
Firsthand Reports from
The Frontiers of The Afterlife
From the rare book collection of N. Riley Heagerty, here are first-hand reports directly from the World of Spirits, communicated through some of Historic Spiritualism's greatest mediums. Stunning descriptions of the death-experience and what the individuals who crossed over saw and felt; accounts of beauty and wonder—as well as a breath-taking journey to the "Dark Realms," where those who were evil on earth ended up by their own actions. Included is a chapter on Mr. Heagerty's own travels through the Spirit World with the assistance of the most powerful and revered Shamanic entheogenic brew, Ayahuasca, also known as the Vine of the Soul, in the rainforests of Brazil.
Print-on-demand: (click to obtain)
E-Book: (click to obtain)
October 2019
A mid-19th century story of psychic drama and wonder surrounding the world-renowned spiritual mediums, The Brothers Davenport from Buffalo, New York. The author utilizes exceedingly rare source material collected over many years.
Print-on-demand copy: click to obtain
an ebook PDF download for tablets/phones:
Two of the most famous American physical mediums during the "Century of Wonders"(1848-1948) were the Bangs Sisters, May and Elizabeth, of Chicago, producing rare "Spirit-Precipitated Art."
(White Crow Books - click to obtain)
A compilation of the five books of Edward C. Randall — a New York trial lawyer from Buffalo, NY of over 700 séances 1890–1912 with direct voice medium Emily S. French.
(White Crow Books - click to obtain)
(2018) - Mind-Blowing Wonders Within the Heyday of
Historic Spiritualism
~ “The Stories True,
the Characters Real” ~
August 2018 Prepare yourself again for the mind-staggering eyewitness accounts of some of the greatest mediums who manifested spirit phenomena within the astounding records of Historic Spiritualism.
(2018) The Mediumship of Elizabeth Blake, One of Spiritualism's Greatest American Mediums.
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep."
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
“I thought I knew about all the great mediums of yesteryear—however, Elizabeth Blake is one who escaped my attention. Clearly, she was a gifted direct voice medium who should be remembered in the rich history of survival research. Many thanks to Riley Heagerty for resurrecting her in this very intriguing book.”
Michael Tymn
Paranormal journalist and author
“The modern mind tends to diminish all but the most recent events. Mr. Heagerty has performed a profound service in reminding us of the great work and wisdom of the past 150 years. A truly compelling book that will have you question your concept of reality, and the nature of consciousness.”
Dr. Michael Soucy
Chiropractic Intuitive
"The French Revelation is destined to become a classic of Spiritualist literature."
Colin Fry
International Spiritualist Medium
"Mr. Heagerty has placed all students of psychic research greatly in his debt with this new edition of material, much of which has never been seen even by historians of Physical Mediumship."
Leslie Price
Editor, Psychic Pioneer Project
"In preserving and re-presenting to the world the marvelous precipitated paintings of Elizabeth and May Bangs, Riley Heagerty has once again done a huge service for those who are seeking objective evidence of the afterlife."
Victor Zammit
Co-author of A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife
"It's all in there: Spirits who touch and can be touched; a trumpet eerily suspended in space; a trembling table; sounds and lights. I really enjoyed the séance memoranda—the next best thing to being there."
Howard Hughes
BBC Journalist
Producer & Broadcaster:
"The Unexplained " Podcast
"This books has the power to change your views on the afterlife and, more importantly, how you are living your life now."
Rev. Karen L. Heasley
Founder and Pastor of the Spiritual Path Spiritualist Church,
New Castle, Pennsylvania
Host of Blog Talk Radio
“N. Riley Heagerty has uncovered difficult-to-find documentation about these famous but almost-forgotten first cabinet mediums. Exceptional reading and a wealth of research from beginning to end . . . definitely a classic of Spiritualist literature .”
RON NAGY, Lily Dale Assembly Historian, Museum Durator & Author
“ An intensely historical act of excavation, extremely lively and readable!
KAI MUEGGE, Physical Mediumship Demonstrator, Historian & Educator
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The Author is the guest of Bringing Inspiration to Earth Radio, discussing his books, Portraits From Beyond and The Bangs Sisters.
N. Riley Heagerty shares the fascinating story of Elizabeth and May Bangs, who were among the most prominent American physical mediums of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
“It is love alone that leads to right action. What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will.”
“This above all; to your own self be true.”
William Shakespeare
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi
"To enter heaven, you must bring heaven with you."
The Risen: A Companion to Grief